


Call us

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 5PM

We would like to reassure you we are doing everything we can to keep you, our staff and therapists safe during this pandemic. As a retail shop and a clinic, we have strict government guidelines to adhere to that have been implemented by ourselves and our therapists. Each therapist working from Bawtry Natural Health has guidelines published by their governing body
appropriate for their particular therapy or treatment that they are following for your and their safety.


All customers are asked to use the hand sanitising unit at the entrance to the building.
We are operating a one in one out system for the retail shop area. One person or one household may wait in the hallway by the side of the stairs while another customer is in the shop.
All customers, not exempt, are asked to wear a mask or face covering when entering the shop area.
We regularly sanitise all touchpoints throughout the day on top of our regular cleaning routine.
We are offering a local delivery service to those customers that are vulnerable or would prefer not to visit the shop.

Clinic and Therapy Centre

We are leaving 15 minutes between appointments in oder to disinfect and air rooms.

We have a new air conditioning unit to avoid using fans.

All touch points are wiped down regularly with anti-bacterial spray.

The waiting room may only be used by prior arrangement in special circumstances.

Only 2 chairs are now available to keep a reasonable distance.

Clients appointments are staggered to avoid crossover.

Extra cleaning has been scheduled on top of our already strict cleaning routine.

No couch covers are being used and wipe down pillows and pillow cases are being used.

Fabric chairs have been changed for easily wiped chairs where possible, fabric chairs are
sprayed with detail after each use.

All therapists are wearing PPE according to their bodies guidelines.

Please be assured we are doing everything we can to ensure your safety when visiting
either our retail shop or therapy centre and Clinic. If you would like any further information
regarding our Covid 19 procedures please contact Jolene Faruqi 01302 719917 or email .